Family Membership
$1,000 and up
Family Sponsorship includes:
Premium seating for a concert of choice
Two complimentary tickets to a concert of choice to bring a friend
Invitations to attend NCO special events
Listing in Season Playbill and on NCO website and donor list
Donors of $1,000 or more are invited to join our NCO Family with special benefits including premium orchestra seating, a pair of complimentary tickets to share with a friend, a NCO Family Engraved Pin, member profiles in Season Playbill and invitations to NCO Pre-Season Cocktail Party and other special events. For more information, please leave a message at (239) 944-7311 and someone will reach out to you!
PLEASE NOTE: We welcome all contributions and when you contribute by check, NCO gets 100% of your donation. For credit card donations, NCO receives approximately 97%.
Thank you!